Using ERC-20 tokens to pay gas

You can also opt to pay for gas in ERC20 tokens such as stablecoins instead of native currency

In case you want to pay for gas using an ERC20 token, pass the flag gasToken: "<TOKEN_ADDRESS>" to the SDK.

IMP - Please ensure the Smart Account has the required balance of ERC20 tokens specified in the above flag.

const bastion = new Bastion();
const bastionConnect = await bastion.bastionConnect;

const CONFIG = {
	chainId: <chain_id>, // optional
	privateKey: <your_private_key>, //optional
	rpcUrl: <RPC_URL>, //optional
	apiKey: <your_api_key>, //required
	gasToken: "0xd14838A68E8AFBAdE5efb411d5871ea0011AFd28", // LINK ERC20 token on arb-Goerli
bastionConnect.init(<your_web3Provider>, CONFIG);

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